
Did you know that gum disease is one of the most common conditions in the United States, which means that you may have to consider gum surgery at some point in your lifetime. According to the U.S. Surgeon General, gum disease affects 85% of adults. 74% have moderate to severe forms of gum disease.

What is LANAP® gum surgery?

LANAP stands for: Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure

The “new attachment” refers to how the LANAP treatment assists the attachment of healthy gum tissue to the bone in your jaw and mouth. This is important when treating gum disease because a serious gum infection can destroy the bone that supports your teeth, leading to loose teeth and even tooth loss.

Let’s back up a moment and address the core issue…

Gum Disease

What is gum disease? (Also called periodontal disease)

Gum disease, which includes gingivitis and periodontitis, is a chronic bacterial infection.

What causes gum disease?


What are the symptoms of gum disease?

Gum disease symptoms aren’t painful, so by the time you recognize that something is wrong, severe bone and gum destruction has occurred. In the beginning stages, gums may be red, swollen, and bleed easily. However, many patients have no symptoms at all. Sometimes bad breath and traces of blood in the sink or on your dental floss are signs of gum disease.

I’ve been diagnosed with gum disease. Now what?

Dr. Robertson and his team at Harlem Center for Aesthetic Dentistry will make a plan with you based on your specific needs.

Early Stages

If you are in the early stages of periodontal disease, you may only need a ‘deep clean’ or SRP – scaling and root planing. SRP is a non-surgical gum treatment for gum disease which cleans below the gums in deep pockets where most harmful bacteria exists.

Advanced Periodontal Disease

We recommend LANAP gum surgery for patients with moderate to advanced periodontitis with tissue and bone loss due to the disease. LANAP not only disinfects the infected areas but also helps to regenerate bone and tissue.

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What makes LANAP different than a traditional scalpel and suture gum surgery?

Scalpel and suture gum surgery is highly invasive and often painful. This surgery involves cutting the gums in order to scrape tartar off of the tooth roots. Drills are used to shape bone. Then, gums are repositioned to the tooth with stitches. Bone grafts are sometimes needed. The recovery process is long, and the patient usually experiences sensitivity, pain, and an increased likelihood of developing cavities.

In other words, scalpel and suture periodontal surgery is not fun.

In comparison, LANAP surgery is much more comfortable. There are no stitches, no incisions, and no drilling. Recovery is quick, and most patients report feeling no pain.

So, what does LANAP surgery involve?

A tiny laser fiber is inserted between the tooth and the gum, clearing the infection and disease without cutting the gums. The laser kills bacteria in the mouth, which helps with quicker healing and encourages new tissue growth. Tooth roots are then cleaned of plaque and tartar. Then the laser is utilized with a different setting to create a blood clot to seal the pocket. With LANAP surgery, the removal of diseased tissue and the restoration of healthy tissue is done with less trauma to the gums than with the old scalpel and suture gum method.

How many treatments will I need?

You will only need two two-hour sessions versus eight to ten one-hour sessions with conventional surgery.

Who can perform LANAP surgery?

Only certified dentists through the Institute for Advanced Laser Dentistry can perform LANAP gum surgery.

What are the benefits of LANAP surgery?

  • Only certified dentists thLess traumatic to the patient
  • Less invasive
  • Less pain/discomfort both during and after the procedure
  • Fewer doctor’s visits than traditional surgery
  • Fewer post-op infections
  • Less bleeding, sensitivity, swelling, and gum loss
  • Quick recovery time after treatment
  • Regeneration of gum tissues
  • Lasting results
  • Safe for patients with health concerns such as diabetes, hemophilia, HIV, etc.

What should I expect after LANAP treatment?

After LANAP treatment, your gums may be temporarily sore for a few days, but the pain is manageable with an over-the-counter medication like ibuprofen. We will give you specific instructions on your recovery, such as what to eat and how to care for your oral health after surgery.

Many of our patients have expressed relief to us after their LANAP surgery. They can’t believe how easy the procedure was and how much better they feel about their overall oral health. If you still have questions regarding gum disease or LANAP surgery, please get in touch with us at any time. We know that we’ve given you a lot to consider, and we are happy to discuss your concerns at any time.

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